Validity of A Contract Against Mandatory Provision of Law or Administrative Regulation 违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定合同的效力
On the Mandatory Norms in Civil Law: Also Concerning the Channels of Legislation and Norm Allocation Techniques Through the "Convergence" of Public Law and Private Law 民法中的强制性规范&兼论公法与私法接轨的立法途径与规范配置技术
Harmonious investigation a special survey and mandatory measure according to law and social permissibility during the authority organs handling a case. 和谐侦查是指权力机关在办理案件过程中,依照法律和社会许容度进行的专门调查工作和有关的强制性措施。
But such considerations cannot go too far to view the application of mandatory rules of law as a duty imposed on arbitrators, except for the purpose of the protection of truly or transnational public policy. 但是不能走得太远,以至于认为适用强制性规则构成一项义务,除非涉及到对跨国的或真正的国际公共政策的维护。
( v) The contract violates a mandatory provision of any law or administrative regulation. (五)违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定。
To make mandatory, as by law; decree or require. 制订一个训令,如通过法律;发布命令或要求。
Nor performs the decision of maritime administrative punishment, the maritime administrative agency shall apply to the peoples 'court for mandatory enforcement according to law. 又不履行海事行政处罚决定的,海事管理机构依法申请人民法院强制执行。
The mandatory rules should be introduced prudently; Chapter 1 deals with the summary of mandatory rules of law. 引入公司法律规范时,特别应慎重对待强制性规范;第一章为强制性规则概述。
Then the dissertation continues to supply an analysis on the issue of arbitrability of disputes involving mandatory rules of law from certain perspectives, such as national judicial practices, statutory claims, public policy and philosophy of law. 其次,从一些国家司法实践的发展演变、法定权利请求、公共政策及法理等角度分析了有关强制性规则的争议的可仲裁性问题。
The author classified unlawful civil acts into acts of breaking mandatory law provisions and of breaking public orders and social ethics. 在本章作者通过分析不法性的分类把不法原因给付分为违反法律的强行规定及违反公序良俗两种。
Chapter IV comprehensively expounds and analyses the controversy over public law and private law under company law, as well as that of mandatory law and optional law. 第四章对公司法的公法与私法之争、强行法与任意法之争作了全面的分析与介绍。
The foremost issue in this dissertation is about the definition of mandatory rules of law, which refers to an imperative provision of law which must be applied to an international relationship irrespective of the law that governs that relationship. 该部分界定了所本文讨论的国际私法意义上的强制性规则的定义,即法律的一项强制性规定,该规定必须适用于某一跨国法律关系,而不考虑支配该关系的法律为何。
The domestic mandatory law is the circumstantial evidence, and the similar arbitration "jurisprudence" has the certain persuasive power but not legally binding, when the implementing member seek to prove that the implementation period it proposes is logical and rigorous. 在证明执行期限的合理性时,国内强行法具有表面证据效力,同类仲裁判例具有一定说服力但并不具有法律约束力。
Chapter 1 deals with the summary of mandatory rules of law. 第一章为强制性规则概述。
The national mandatory of the law makes the law become the strongest guarantee for punishing, inhabiting and preventing the family violence to the minor. 法律的国家强制性特征使其成为制裁、制止和预防针对未成人家庭暴力的最强有力的保障之一。
It provides legitimacy as a subject of legal action can not violate the provisions of mandatory law and public order and good value, otherwise the act is invalid. 这里规定的正当性,就是指法律行为的标的不能违反强制法律规定及公序良俗,否则其行为无效。
Sound and effective civil executive system is successfully to protect and realize the private right of citizens, to protect the right of the implementation of the substantive law, to manifest the mandatory of the law. 健全有效的民事执行制度是顺利实现权利人的权利,保障实体法的正确实施,体现法律强制性的基础性制度。
Environmental obligations of enterprises mainly reflected in the in environmental responsibility, including corporate environmental laws responsibility, and legal responsibility need for mandatory law and norms, moral responsibility need to rely on environmental ethics and guidance. 企业的环境义务主要体现在环境责任上,这种责任包括企业的环境法律责任和环境道德责任,法律责任需要法律上的强制与规范,道德责任需要依靠环境道德规范和引导。
Subordinated Debt means the agreement between the parties or the mandatory provisions of law, the settlement of certain or all of the order in other claims after the claims of ordinary. 次级债是指根据法律的强制规定或者当事人的约定,其清偿顺序排在其他特定债权或者全部的普通债权之后的债权。
While violating the validity of a contract in mandatory law involves the integration of law, how to recognize the effect of compulsory rules on the validity of a contract is a must to jurisdiction, so coercion and the freedom of contract should be taken seriously. 如何认定强制性规范对合同效力的影响是一个司法上必须面对的问题,国家强制与合同自由的边界需要慎重的对待。
AG is a shareholder, to create wealth creation, and they do not violate the mandatory provisions of law, the shareholders of General Assembly resolutions should be upheld. 股份公司是为股东、社会创造财富而创设的,只要不违反法律的强制性规定,股东大会决议就应该得到维护。
Signing of the loyal agreement of husband and wife is a civil legal act in most of the time: the proper subject 、 the real meanings of two parties, not violate the mandatory provisions of law and public interests. 签订夫妻忠实协议大部分时间是一种民事法律行为:协议主体适格,是夫妻双方真实意表示,不违反法律法规强制性规定和公共利益。
Administrative enforcement is to ensure the smooth progress of the state administrative management activities of an administrative enforcement actions, is one of many mandatory administrative law enforcement activities performed in the most direct and significant administrative actions. 行政强制执行是保证国家行政管理活动顺利进行的一种行政执法行为,是众多行政执法活动中强制性表现得最直接、最明显的行政行为。
In previous studies, some scholars believe that the lineage is a product of class society, the government should use the mandatory law or other means to limit or eliminate it. 在之前的研究中,一些的学者是认为家支是阶级社会的产物,国家应该通过强制性的法律或手段对其限制或消除。
We could not only rely on the moral way to solve this non-moral phenomenon, the mandatory law is also needed. 要解决见危不助问题仅仅依靠道德的自律是不行的,还需要法律的强制。
Mainly divided into four parts, namely to establish a correct concept of law enforcement, improve police immediate mandatory law, build a viable police immediate mandatory system and improve the supervision and accountability. 主要分为四部分,即从树立正确的执法理念、完善关于警察即时强制的法律规定、构建可行的警察即时强制体系以及完善监督和责任追究。
On the effective elements of the arbitration agreement, although there is a mandatory requirement of law, the parties 'meaning autonomy has got more and more respect and attention. 在仲裁协议有效要件方面,虽然有法律的强制性规定,但当事人的意思自治也得到越来越多尊重和重视。
The fundamental theories for mandatory rules on the international commercial arbitration can be divided into the following two groups: basic theories for general mandatory law; basic theories for international commercial arbitration system. 国际商事仲裁强行规则的基础理论可以被分为两种:其一为一般强行法的基本理论;其二则是国际商事仲裁法的基本理论。
Although in practice the equidistance/ special circumstance principle is frequently applied, in itself it does not have any mandatory law or any special legal status. 尽管实践中等距离/特殊情况原则被频繁适用,但其本身不具有任何法律的强制性,没有任何特殊的法律地位。
However, the mandatory power of law is not as tangible as a forceful army is. 但是,法律并不像军队那样有实体的权力保障。